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  • Report: Students of Harbin Engineering University (China) visited UEC


Report: Students of Harbin Engineering University (China) visited UEC

October 06, 2014

Experienced EMG Prosthetic Hand at Professor Yokoi’s Laboratory

Supported by Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)’s Sakura Science Plan, 7 students and 3 staffs (Total 10 persons) of Harbin Engineering University (China) visited UEC for 7days, between 17 August (Sun) and 23 August (Sat), 2014.

Since an international exchange agreement has been made between Harbin Engineering University and UEC in 1998, we have been interacted each other, such as by joint implement of international symposium or student exchange.
The purpose of this visit is to encourage the excellent students, who have been enrolling the special course of Harbin Engineering University, to have an interest in studying at UEC.

In addition to visiting some laboratories and facilities at UEC, they visited National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation (Miraikan), National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NiCT) and Asakusa etc. to come in touch with Japanese latest technology and traditional culture.

Completion certificate was awarded by Vice president, Professor Abe
Photoshooting with UEC president and vice president etc.
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