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Report: UEC hosts the third in the series of Unique & Exciting Research Symposia

December 09, 2015

The University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo (UEC, Tokyo) welcomed more than 200 participants to the third ‘Unique & Exciting Research Symposium, UEC’ on 3rd December 2015. These highly successful series of symposia are supported by the MEXT Program for promoting the Enhancement of Research Universities.

The participants were from a wide ranges of affiliations and specialties including universities, research institutes, and industry. The core theme of this symposium was the ‘enhancement of the activities and functions of University Research Administrators (URA) based on innovative networks’.

Takashi Fukuda, President of UEC, opened the symposium by welcoming the participants and next Yayoi Komatsu, Director-General, Research Promotion Bureau, MEXT, gave a congratulatory speech. Then Nagayasu Toyoda, President of Suzuka University of Medical Science, gave a talk about his insights into some of the possible reasons for recent weaknesses in research conducted in Japan.

Next, Shin-ichi Yamamoto, Vice President of Okayama University, and Michie Sekiguchi, URA of UEC, each gave presentations about ‘the objectives of the Research University Network of Japan’ and ‘the aims of the URA network at UEC’, respectively.

Finally, Toshitake Chino, Specially Appointed Professor of UEC, hosted a panel discussion on ’what can we expect by utilizing networks’. The panelists--Shin-ichi Yamamoto of Okayama University, Shin-ichi Ito, URA of Akita University, Masako Toriya, URA of Kanazawa University, Shuichi Takano, URA of Juntendo University, and Susumu Morikura, URA of UEC--discussed possible ways of enhancing the role of URAs in strengthening the research capabilities of universities in Japan.

Following the success of this symposium, UEC will continue its efforts to enhance the research capabilities of universities by effective utilization of a wide range of networks.

Ms. Komatsu, Director-General, Research Promotion Bureau, MEXT
Dr. Toyoda, President of Suzuka University of Medical Science
Dr. Yamamoto, Vice President of Okayama University
Ms. Sekiguchi, URA of UEC
Panel discussion session
Panel discussion session
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