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  • International Symposium on Novel Energy Nanomaterials, Catalysts and Surfaces for Future Earth [October 28-30, 2017 ] : [On-site Registration Welcome]


International Symposium on Novel Energy Nanomaterials, Catalysts and Surfaces for Future Earth [ October 28-30, 2017 ] : [On-site Registration Welcome]

March 24, 2017

Climate change, rapid population growth, and related global issues have led to the launch of international initiatives with the aim of developing innovative science and technology to build the infrastructure for a sustainable society based on clean energy and green environment. Specifically, to meet these challenges for ‘Future Earth’, scientists and engineers are focusing their efforts on interdisciplinary research including energy materials, surface science, molecular and nanocatalysis chemistry, and development of related energy-based science and technology.

With this background, this international symposium was inspired in response to growing calls for a scientific platform for the global community of researchers active in materials research, characterization/imaging with synchrotron radiation in situ/operando XAFS, and X-ray based techniques (CT, TXM, AP-HAXPES, RIXS, XRD, etc.), to meet, share, and discuss their latest discoveries in these critical and rapidly evolving disciplines.

We look forward to your participation.

Areas covered by the symposium

Synthesis, functions, and devices

  • Novel energy nanomaterials, catalysts and surfaces
  • Catalysts and interfaces specifically designed for green processes
  • Fuel cells, batteries, and photovoltaic devices and systems
  • Electrocatalysts and photocatalysts
  • Applied optics
  • Other related topics
Methodology and Characterization
  • XAFS; e.g. in situ/operando, time-resolved, imaging (spatially resolved), MD, etc.
  • Imaging and visualization; e.g. synchrotron CT, TXM, etc.
  • Synchrotron X-ray based techniques; e.g. AP-HAXPES, AP-XPS, RIXS, XES, XRD, etc.
  • XFEL
  • Theory, calculations, and simulations
  • Others

International Symposium on Novel Energy Nanomaterials, Catalysts and Surfaces for Future Earth
-Material Research, Characterization and Imaging by In situ/Operando XAFS and X-ray Techniques-
Dates October 28 (Sat) - 30 (Mon), 2017
Venue The University of Electro-Communications (Building B), 1-5-1 Chofugaoka, Chofu, Tokyo 182-8585, Japan
Cooperation from academic societies Catalysis Society of Japan, Japan Society for Molecular Science, Japan Society of Coordination Chemistry, The Chemical Society of Japan, The Electrochemical Society of Japan, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, The Japanese Society for Synchrotron Radiation Research, The Japanese XAFS Society, The Japan Society of Applied Physics, The Physical Society of Japan, The Society of Chemical Engineers,Japan, The Society of Nano Science and Technology, The Surface Science Society of Japan
Under the auspices of Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)
New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO)
Organizing Committee

Honorary Chair
Takashi Fukuda, President

Yasuhiro Iwasawa, Director, Innovation Research Center for Fuel Cells (Former President of The Chemical Society of Japan, Catalysis Society of Japan, and The Surface Science Society of Japan)

Program Chair
Yasuhiro Iwasawa

International Communications
Adarsh Sandhu, Advisor to UEC President

Local Chair/Secretariat
Yoshihiro Yamakita

Tadafumi Ajiri (Tohoku Univ.), Yoshiyuki Amemiya (Univ. Tokyo), Haruhiko Andoh (METI/UEC), Kiyotaka Asakura (Hokkaido Univ.), Wang-Jae Chun (ICU), Kazuhiko Domae (Toyota Central R&D Labs.), Koichi Eguchi (Kyoto Univ.), Terunori Fujita (Mitsui Chemicals), Kenji Hara (Tokyo Univ. Technology), Akihiro Iiyama (Yamanashi Univ.), Hideto Imai (Nissan ARC), Minoru Inaba (Doshisha Univ.), Takayuki Ishida (UEC), Tetsuya Ishikawa (Riken SPring-8 Center), Hiroyuki Kanesaka (UEC/FC-Cubic), Masao Kimura (KEK), Takashi Kita (Kobe Univ.), Wataru Mitsuhashi (UEC), Atsushi Muramatsu (Tohoku Univ.), Nobuo Nakajima (UEC), Kinzo Nonomura (Megurokai), Masaharu Nomura (KEK), Eij Ohira (NEDO), Toshiaki Ohta (Ritsumeikan Univ.). Kenichiro Ota (Yokohama National Univ.), Retsu Oiwa (Scienta Omicron), Hidemi Oonaka (FC-Cubic), Adarsh Sandhu (UEC), Masao Tabuchi (Nagoya Univ.), Mizuki Tada (Nagoya Univ.), Jun Takano (Honda R&D), Masaki Takata (Tohoku Univ.), Motonori Tamura (UEC), Katsumi Tanaka (UEC), Ryotaro Tanaka (JASRI), Minoru Terano (JAIST), Tatsuya Tsukuda (Univ. Tokyo), Kohei Uosaki (NIMS), Tomoya Uruga (JASRI/UEC), Masahiro Watanabe (Univ. Yamanashi), Kohta Yamada (Asahi Glass), Koichi Yamaguchi (UEC), Yoshihiro Yamakita (UEC), Masanori Yasui (UEC), Toshihiko Yokoyama (IMS), Masaru Yoshitake (FCDIC), Hitoki Yoneda (UEC),Isamu Yoshimatsu (UEC)

Program Plenary Lectures, Invited Lectures, Contributed Papers, Posters
Abstract (one page) Closed
Registration Fee 30,000 JPY (Student 4,000 JPY)
Banquet Oct 29 (Sun), 2017
Fee 8,000 JPY (Student 8,000 JPY)
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