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Report:UEC signs general agreement with VGISC, Vietnam

September 7, 2018

On 30 August, 2018, The University of Electro-Communications (UEC) singed general agreement with Vietnam Government Information Security Commission (VGISC) to promote further international collaboration.

The signing ceremony took place at UEC and Dr. Nguyen Nam Hai, the Deputy Chair, and 6 other officers of VGISC, Dr. Fukuda, the President of UEC, and 5 other members of UEC, attended the ceremony. The meeting was initiated by the welcome speech of President Fukuda. Followed by a speech from Dr. Nguyen Nam Hai, he and President Fukuda signed the general agreement and the specific agreement on student exchange.

UEC believes the signing of the agreement is a valuable opportunity to promote international student exchanges and enhance international joint research between the two institutes.

Signing the Agreement
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