Report:Prof. Balikhin from The University of Sheffield visits UEC
June 7, 2017
Prof. Michael Balikhin, Dept. of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering, The University of Sheffield visited UEC on Jun 1, 2017. Dr. Nakano, Member of the Board of Directors of UEC, Dr. Abe, Vice-president of UEC, Prof. Hobara, Department of Computer and Network Engineering, and Assist. Prof. Sasaki, Center for International Program and Exchange, had discussion with Prof. Balikhin on collaborations between the two universities.
Students of Prof. Hobara' s Laboratory have visited Prof. Balikhin's Laboratory for the past several years to conduct collaborative research on A System Identification Approach to Space Weather.
Prof. Balikhin's visit to UEC was a step toward for wider collaboration between the two universities.