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  • About UEC / The Mission of the University

About UEC

The Mission of the University

Aiming for the creation and achievement of knowledge and skill to contribute to the sustainable development of humankind

Education and research at the cutting-edge of science and technology for the benefit of all humankind

The university will advance education and research at the level of a world leader in fields of science and technology with special focus on areas related to information and communication.

  1. In order to build a safe, stable, and rich living environment, the university pursues education and research in cutting-edge fields of science and technology.
  2. The university pursues education and research in information, communication, control, materials, and fundamental science, as well as other fields necessary for the future of society.
  3. Through original research both theoretical and applied, the University aims to be a world leader in education and research.

Cultivating international researchers and technologists to take the initiative

The University educates researchers and engineers with imagination and ability founded on a broad perspective on society and technology, internationalism, and ethics.

  1. Supporting education and research to strengthen Japan as a scientific and technological leader, the university educates students with the practical ability to contribute to the world.
  2. The University educates researchers and engineers with strong ethical values, communicative ability, and powers of judgment and who are qualified for leadership.
  3. The University pursues association between undergraduate and graduate levels of education, and has designed graduate-level education to increase levels of attainment and diversification.
    The University stresses continuing education and is striving to increase the number of international students on its campus and of its students on campuses abroad.

Creative engagement and cooperation with society in the pioneering of a new era of science and technology

Through the creative engagement of knowledge and skill based on both domestic and international cooperation, the University supports the development of both Japan and international society.

  1. The University promotes increasing exchange among both domestic and international researchers and promotes internationalization.
  2. Based on an international perspective, the university strengthens cooperation with outside organizations and pursues groundbreaking research in the fields of science and technology.
  3. The University strengthens cooperation with both the public and private sectors of the local community.

More about UEC

Characteristics and Appeal

Fully equipped education and research environment and high employment rate for UEC graduates.

The Guiding Principles

The University of Electro-Communications (UEC), aiming for the creation and achievement of knowledge and skill to contribute to the sustainable development of humankind, has the following three mission policies.

For the realization

UEC Vision

The mission statement of the University of Electro-Communications (UEC) mentions that we will cultivate academic excellences that bring about bright future of the earth and humanity, as well as create knowledge and skills.

Comprehensive Communication Sciences

"Comprehensive Communication Sciences", which UEC advocates, promotes research and education in accordance with two purposes of "communication": (1) communication as a target of scientific and engineering research, and (2) communication as a tool for promoting collaborative research.

Gender Equality Program

Through the implementation of our Action Plan to promote the Gender Equality Program, we will create an environment where students and young researchers from around the world can gather to enthusiastically study and do research in a free and relaxed atmosphere and thereby give birth to new and unique ideas.