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About UEC

From the President

Tano Shunichi

This University has its roots in the Technical Institute for Wireless-Communications, founded in 1918 by the Wireless Association to train wireless communication engineers. Later, in 1949 the University of Electro-Communications was established according to the Japan’s ‘National School Establishment Law’. It is notable the University is the only national university with undergraduate schools that does not include a place in its name. This is because the University was established based on the spirit of creating a university that is open to the whole of Japan.

Based on the purpose for establishing the University and its name, it is often thought that it only specializes in the fields of electricity and communication. However, the fields of specialization were expanded in line with Japan’s rapid economic growth and evolution towards an advanced information-oriented society.

Now, in the 21st century, with the core of information, electricity, and communications, the University offers education programs and conducts research over a wide range of fields from basic science and engineering to applications, including physical engineering, material science, life science, optical science, electronics, robotics, mechanical engineering, and media.

Now, the Japanese Government is strongly promoting the establishment of a “super smart society” where cyberspace and the real world are highly integrated, in the form of a series of initiatives known as ‘Society 5.0’. The University will work to realize a society with ““Sustained independent evolution + Maximized diverse happiness” and functions that generate innovation””. The basic and core technology fields required for the construction of this future society overlap with the majors of the University, thereby underscoring its strengths as well as the responsibility for achieving these goals.

The University has launched the “DC & I. Strategy” as a comprehensive strategy to respond to the mandate to realize ‘Society 5.0’. Here, “D = Diversity (multiple diversity in fields, human resources, objectives)” as an indispensable foundation for value creation. “C = Communication (mutual understanding and interaction between various elements) mutual inspiration, and consequently alliances and collaborations)” to respect the spontaneous, practical, and diverse activities of all members, and then be locked into the existing framework. The aim is to promote “I=innovation” in value creation and human resource development by promoting wide-ranging collaboration and co-creation.

Based on the “DC & I. Strategy,” the University will endeavor to be recognized globally for creating new value that nurtures innovative leaders for the construction of a sustainable society.