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  • Application Schedule


Application Schedule

Application Schedule for enrollment in April 2025 and October 2024 are as follows.

Master's Program

Master's Program
Admission upon Recommendation
(Entrance Exam in June)
Standard Admission
Special Admission for Mid-career Students

(Entrance Exam in August)
Submission Period of Application Documents
From June 6, Thursday to June 11, Tuesday, 2024
Oral Examination and Interview
July 1, Monday, 2024
Annoumcement of Successful Applicants
July 17, Wednesday, 2024
Submission Period of Application Documents
From July 22, Monday to July 26, Friday, 2024
Standard Admission:Examination for Specialized Fields
Admission for Mid-career Students: Essay Examination

August 16, Friday, 2024
Oral Examination
August 17, Saturday, 2024
Announcement of Successful Applicants
September 9, Monday, 2024
Enrollment Procedures(October Enrollment)
Only for Department of Engineering Science applicants

Must arrive by September 20, Friday, 2024
Only mail by post
Enrollment Procedures(October Enrollment)
Must arrive by September 20, Friday, 2024
Only mail by post
Enrollment Procedures(April Enrollment)
Mid March, 2025
Enrollment Procedures (April Enrollment)
Late March, 2025

Doctoral Program

Doctoral Program
Standard Admission
Special Admission for Mid-career Students

(Entrance Exam in August)
Standard Admission
Special Admission for Mid-career Students

(Entrance Exam in February)
Submission Period of Application Documents
From July 22, Monday to July 26, Friday, 2024
Oral Examination
August 19, Monday, 2024
Annoumcement of Successful Applicants
September 9, Monday, 2024
Enrollment Procedures (October Enrollment)
Must arrive by September 20, Friday, 2024
Only mail by post
Submission Period of Application Documents
From January 6, Monday to January 9, Thursday, 2025
Oral Examination
February 3, Monday, 2025
Announcement of Successful Applications
February 27, Thursday, 2025
Enrollment Procedures (April Enrollment)
Late March, 2025


  • 1. Be sure to check the detail of schedule by reading Application Guidelines. (We schedule for distribution in middle May 2024)
  • 2. If you apply for the Standard Admission and Special Admission for Mid-career Students of Master’s Program And Standard Admission of Doctoral Program, you should submit an original score sheet of TOEIC or TOEFL.(Applicant for Doctoral Program can submit score sheet of IELTS also.)
    The score sheets below are acceptable.
    * TOEIC L&R (Official Score Certificate)
    * TOEFL-iBT (Examinee Score Report)
    * TOEFL-iBT Home Edition (Examinee Score Report)
    * TOEFL-iBT Special Home Edition (Examinee Score Report)
    * TOEFL-ITP (the test held by UEC ONLY) (Examinee Score Report)
    Regarding the TOEIC official score certificate, if you took the test after April 2023, you can submit a printout of the digital official certificate PDF.
  • 3. Important notes:
    • 1) Please submit the score sheet which has been taken on and after August 2022 for the entrance exam in August 2024 and on and after February 2023 for the entrance exam in February 2025.
    • 2) A score sheet sent from the testing organization to university directly will not be accepted.
    • 3) If you cannot provide the score sheet with your application documents, your application will not be accepted.
    • 4) TOEIC-IP and other tests conducted on a special group system basis will not be accepted.
    • 5) TOEIC S&W (Speaking and Writing) will not be accepted.
    • 6) Those who wants to apply standard admission for doctoral program can also submit IELTS Test Report Form.
    • 7) A score sheet printed from the websites will not be accepted.
    • 8) You cannot change the score sheet once you submit the application documents.
    • 9) Please take the tests as early as possible, because it takes a long time to receive the TOEIC and TOEFL score sheet.