

Education Development Center


This center strives to contribute to the enrichment and development of educational activities by looking at matters from a university-wide perspective and engaging in activities such as building education systems that systematically manage undergraduate and graduate common and specialized education, building class evaluation systems, promoting practical education, and planning class improvements.


The center consists of three departments: the Planning and Development Department, the Education Promotion Department, and the Curriculum Department.


Planning and Development Department
  1. Matters pertaining to the educational philosophy and policy of the university
  2. Matters pertaining to the state of undergraduate and graduate common and specialized education
  3. Matters pertaining to the coordination of cooperation between undergraduate and graduate education
  4. Matters pertaining to internationalizing education and incorporating advanced information technology into education
  5. Matters pertaining to career education, teacher training, and certification training
  6. Matters pertaining to continuing education and lifelong learning
  7. Matters pertaining to the creation of diploma and curriculum policy
  8. Matters pertaining to the development of methods for evaluating educational performance
  9. Matters pertaining to faculty development planning
  10. Matters pertaining to the development of syllabuses and methods for evaluating classes and academic performance
  11. Matters pertaining to connection and cooperation with high school education
  12. Matters pertaining to the budget for the development of the educational environment, including educational facilities and classroom facilities
  13. Matters pertaining to the self-inspection and evaluation that is under the jurisdiction of the center and the handling of external evaluations
  14. Other matters pertaining to constant research and study regarding the educational policy of the university
Education Promotion Department
  1. Matters pertaining to the implementation of faculty development
  2. Matters pertaining to the implementation of student evaluation of teaching
  3. Matters pertaining to syllabuses and evaluating academic performance
  4. Matters pertaining to the development of the educational environment
  5. Other matters pertaining to the implementation of research related to education
Curriculum Department
  1. Matters pertaining to the creation of a curriculum map based on the curriculum policy
  2. Matters pertaining to curriculum organization
  3. Matters pertaining to the adjustment of the instructors in charge of various classes
  4. Other matters pertaining to the smooth promotion of teaching through the coordination of undergraduate and graduate departments

Education Development Center Website

The center handles matters pertaining to the implementation of student evaluation of teaching and various other matters.

Education Development Center Website
Education Development Center Website