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Job Opening

Job Opening 2020

    Job Openings:Associate Professor or Assistant Professor(The field of Electronic Engineering )
    Job Openings:Associate Profeccor or Tenure-Track Assistant Professors(Information security and cyber security)
    Job Openings: Associate Professor(Advanced Sensing System)
    Job Openings:Tenure Track Assistant Professor(Integrated Manufacturing System)(PDF:254KB)
    Job Openings:Tenure Track Assistant Professor(The field of Electromagnetic Compatibility)(PDF:163KB)
    Job Openings:Tenure Track Assistant Professor(The field of Intelligent Robotics)(PDF:128KB)
    Job Openings:Associate Professor or Tenure Track Assistant Professor(The field of Embedded Hardware)(PDF:104KB)
    Job Opening:Associate Professor (Mathematics)(PDF:36KB)
    Job Opening: Part-time English teaching position(s)(English department)(PDF:72KB)
    Job Opening: Part-time English teaching position(s)(English department)
    Job Openings: Tenure Track Assistant Professors (Risk Engineering, Total Risk Management)
    Job Openings: Tenure Track Assistant Professors (Cognitive Robotics)
    Job Openings: Tenure Track Assistant Professors(High Performance Computing)
    Job Openings: Tenure Track Assistant Professors(High Performance Computing)
    Job Openings: Tenure Track Assistant Professors(Risk Engineering, Total Risk Management)
Job Opening