

Advanced Wireless and Communication Research Center (AWCC)


The mission of the Advanced Wireless and Communication Research Center (AWCC) is to pursue the research and development of advanced technology that will meet societal demands for new wireless communication functions and to train highly skilled researchers capable of making contributions at a global level.

Currently, mobile phones are being replaced by smartphones, which are becoming an increasingly important foundation of everyday life. At the same time, the societal function of wireless communication is poised to change significantly. Wireless communication is expected to support the safety and security of society through autonomous communication between things that will generally be unnoticed by humans and will contribute to the achievement of more comfortable, efficient societies and industries. Some examples of promising technologies include sensor networks that can be used to monitor constantly changing environments over a wide area and help prepare for disasters and protect those environments, intelligent transport systems (ITS) that will make vehicle crash prevention and automated driving possible, and an Internet of Things (IoT) in which small items and devices around us will connect to the Internet and form a large ubiquitous network. However, the realization of these technologies requires highly reliable, error-free communication using the smallest possible amount of available device power and a technological approach to both systems and devices that is completely different from the approach taken for conventional mobile phone systems. In cooperation with a large international network of businesses and universities, the Advanced Wireless Communication Research Center is addressing these types of important issues and producing tangible results using theories, simulations, and hardware prototypes.

Research area image

Research Topics

  1. Multidimensional wireless interconnection technologies
  2. Large-scale accumulated radio signal processing
  3. Design and analysis of complex wireless systems
  4. Seamless positioning systems
  5. Wireless application to ITS
  6. QoS for All IP mobile network
  7. Large-scale wireless sensor network technologies
  8. Signal transmission scheme for ubiquitous wireless devices
  9. Development of RF front-end module for UWB
  10. High efficiency wireless transmission scheme
  11. Wireless baseband transmission technologies