In April 2019, the Brain Science Life Support Research Center was renamed the Center for Neuroscience and Biomedical Engineering (CNBE). As a unique medical engineering research base that engineering universities work on, researchers in neuroscience, information engineering, biotechnology, ergonomics, robotics, optical science, etc. collaborate to research and develop medical and welfare support technologies.
Now that Japan's population aging rate has exceeded 21% and Japan is becoming a super-aged society, the maintenance of social vitality is a serious issue facing the country. To realize a society in which people can be healthy in both mind and body and lead lives full of happiness, we cannot simply rely on developments in medicine and medical care. Instead, it is imperative that we develop a comprehensive welfare and medical care support system that incorporates knowledge from fields of science and engineering that have experienced significant development in recent years, such as neuroscience, computer science, and robotics.
To that end, researchers from a variety of areas of expertise must gather and work in close collaboration to reveal practical health and welfare needs, research and develop necessary support technology, and train creative, practical engineers who are skilled in interdisciplinary collaboration.
At the University of Electro-Communications, researchers from a broad range of science and engineering fields that includes information engineering, biological engineering, ergonomics, robotics, and optics are actively engaged in research on a daily basis. Recently, researchers at the university have also been actively engaged in research into neuroscience, neuroinformatics, and engineering applications of these fields. Therefore, the social mission of the Center for Neuroscience and Biomedical Engineering is to engage in combined medical and engineering research—which is based on the comprehensive communications sciences philosophy of the university and aims to develop the innovative science and technology that is necessary for people to live peaceful, comfortable lives—and to provide education that trains researchers to pursue this research and contribute to society.
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