





Satoshi Muratsugu

Assistant Professor
Institute for Molecular Science
The Graduate University for Advanced Studies



Dr. Satoshi Muratsugu received his BSc (2004), MSc (2006), and PhD (2009) from Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science at The University of Tokyo with the supervision of Prof. Hiroshi Nishihara. After graduation, he moved to Institute for Molecular Science in 2009 as an assistant professor. He is now interested in the design of new heterogeneous catalysts using supported transition metal complexes, the preparation of new metal nanoparticle catalysts, the design of molecularly imprinted metal complex catalysts, and in-situ characterization of heterogeneous catalyst surfaces. He got Dalton Transactions Poster Prize (2009) from The Royal Society of Chemistry, The 26th Inoue Research Award for Young Scientists (2010), Presentation Award for Young Chemists (2010) from Chemical Society of Japan, and The Royal Society of Chemistry Poster Prize (2010).