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About UEC

Announcement regarding the Promotion of the UEC Gender Equality Program

UEC has created “UEC Vision 2018” as the goal for what the university will look like in 2018, the 100th anniversary of its founding, and has also drawn up the “Action Plan,” which is the concrete plan for realizing that vision.

These documents promote the Gender Equality Program through the creation of an environment where men and women can be active regardless of gender and by indicating the concrete plans for doing so.

In the decade since the enactment of the Basic Law for a Gender-Equal Society (Law 78 of 1999), there has been nationwide work towards the realization of a gender-equal society, but there is still work to be done.

We thereby here proclaim that we will work aggressively and boldly to promote the Gender Equality Program. Through the implementation of our Action Plan to promote the Gender Equality Program, we will create an environment where students and young researchers from around the world can gather to enthusiastically study and do research in a free and relaxed atmosphere and thereby give birth to new and unique ideas.

July 21, 2009
UEC President
Makoto Kajitani

UEC Vision 2108 − Challenges for our 100th Anniversary (Excerpt)

UEC has created “UEC Vision 2018” as the goal for what the university will look like in 2018 − the centennial of its founding − and has also drawn up the “Action Plan,” which is a concrete plan for realizing that vision.

These documents promote the Gender Equality Program through the creation of an environment where men and women can be active regardless of gender and by indicating the concrete plans for doing so.

  • ♦ An open learning environment
    • 3.We will creating an environment where students and young researchers from around the world will gather to enthusiastically study and do research in a free and relaxed atmosphere and thereby generate new and unique ideas.
      • (2) We will create an environment where everybody can take part, regardless of gender (promotion of the Gender Equality Program).
UEC Vision 2018 − Challenges for our 100th Anniversary − Action Plan (Excerpt)
  1. Publicity and education activities aimed at potential female applicants and high school students
  2. Building of new women's dormitories
  3. Building systems and structures that will be attractive to top female students
  4. Support for female students after enrollment
  5. Job-seeking assistance for female students
  6. A maternity and childcare support system for students and teaching staff (for both men and women)

Babysitting/Childcare Support Coupon System (Childcare Coupon)

UEC is implementing a coupon system for babysitting/childcare support (childcare coupon) to help parents cope simultaneously with childcare and work.
The childcare coupon provides a 1,700 yen discount per day for the use of a babysitter covered by the system (one coupon per family).


UEC has an on-campus childcare facility called the UEC Nursery DONGURI. The center was founded in May 2012 so that female teaching staff or students who have had a baby can return to their workplace or research and feel at ease in balancing childcare with work or study. The aim of the center is to create a university environment where mothers find it easy to work and study.
The center can handle 10 children and has one room for infant care and two rooms for childcare. There are always multiple caregivers attending to the children.

No Overtime Days

All Wednesdays and Fridays are designated “No Overtime Days,” days when the day's work is completed during regular working hours. The goal is to promote maintenance and enhancement of health and create a stronger work ethic by not only bringing about a change in awareness but also bringing about a more relaxing lifestyle.

Leave of Absence and Time-off for Childcare and Nursing Care

In addition to the annual paid vacation, there are systems in place for teaching staff who are prevented from working for various reasons. These systems provide paid leave in the cases of illness, special circumstances, childcare and nursing care.
In the case of maternity/childcare, the system provides for matrimonial leave, prenatal leave, postpartum leave, infant care leave, spousal maternity leave, childcare participation leave, sick child leave, childcare leave, as well as reduction of working hours and limitations on overtime and late-night work.

Consultations for Health, Medicine, Nursing Care, Childcare and Mental Health

The following toll-free services are available 24-hours a day, free-of-charge to teaching staff (and their families) and students (and their guardians).
Health consultations, medical consultations, nursing care consultations, childcare consultations, mental health consultations, information regarding medical facilities (medical facility information, specialized medicine information, information on medical facilities open at night and during holidays, information on nursing care and social welfare).

Original Site for the Office for the Promotion of the Gender Equality Program

Please visit this site to see the announcement and information about our activities. We also have an site for making suggestions that only be accessed by UEC students and staff.

(Opens in a new window.)

More about UEC

Characteristics and Appeal

Fully equipped education and research environment and high employment rate for UEC graduates.

The Guiding Principles

The University of Electro-Communications (UEC), aiming for the creation and achievement of knowledge and skill to contribute to the sustainable development of humankind, has the following three mission policies.

For the realization

UEC Vision

The mission statement of the University of Electro-Communications (UEC) mentions that we will cultivate academic excellences that bring about bright future of the earth and humanity, as well as create knowledge and skills.

Comprehensive Communication Sciences

"Comprehensive Communication Sciences", which UEC advocates, promotes research and education in accordance with two purposes of "communication": (1) communication as a target of scientific and engineering research, and (2) communication as a tool for promoting collaborative research.

Gender Equality Program

Through the implementation of our Action Plan to promote the Gender Equality Program, we will create an environment where students and young researchers from around the world can gather to enthusiastically study and do research in a free and relaxed atmosphere and thereby give birth to new and unique ideas.