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About UEC

The Guiding Principles

The University of Electro-Communications (UEC), aiming for the creation and achievement of knowledge and skill to contribute to the sustainable development of humankind, has the following three mission policies: 1) pursuing education and research at the cutting-edge of science and technology for the benefit of all humankind, 2) cultivating international researchers and technologists to take the initiative, and 3) creating engagement and cooperation with society in the pioneering of a new era of science and technology.

In order to strengthen Japan as a scientific and technological leader in the 21st century, the cultivation of quality researchers and technologists with comprehensive applied skills is indispensable. Because it has come such a long way to become a balanced institution for education and research, the University is expected to regularly reevaluate its mission and work to fulfill the duties of a world-class university by cultivating imaginative researchers and engineers with abilities based on society and technology, ethics, and internationalism. To attain this goal, the University's ongoing aim is to be a world leader in education and research, taking the initiative in contributing to not only Japan, but also the world at large. The fundamental policies of UEC for both the near and distant future are as follows:

1. Undergraduate Education

  1. Taking advantage of its traditions and setting up educational goals in accordance with the demands of society, the University works to graduate quality engineers who have all the necessary practical abilities, and who, at the same time, are self-motivated, internationa1, and ethical.
  2. Undergraduate education develops students' fundamental abilities, introduces programs suitable for their future careers, and urges each student to become an autonomous learner with a clear vision of his or her future. The University both provides and strengthens its educational programs to this end.
  3. The University pursues association between undergraduate and graduate levels of education, thus enabling a majority of undergraduate students to enroll in the graduate schools.

2. Graduate Education

  1. The graduate schools, setting up learning and educational objectives that reflect their individual characteristics and societal demands, aim to develop educational content of international standard and educate quality engineers and researchers with practical abilities.
  2. With their many research groups employing a wide variety of research models, the graduate schools provide educational programs which attract graduates from other universities who may desire to work toward degrees or simply pursue continuing education.
  3. By constructing an environment in which the education and research programs allow flexibility among research groups, the graduate schools educate students with interdisciplinary and multilateral ways of thinking.
  4. Through increasing exchange among other universities and companies, and assertive promotion of internationalization, the graduate schools educate researchers and engineers who are qualified for leadership.

3. Research

  1. In the science and technology fields within its mission, the University develops the knowledge and skills that earn it the respect paid by society to a world-class university.
  2. While promoting research based on liberal and independent ideas, and establishing a research environment that encourages creativity, the University sustains flexibility in its continuous development of education and research fields.
  3. Through international research projects, joint research with industries and others in the private sector, as well as public and private grant-in-aid research, the University actively promotes research in cooperation with both domestic and international organizations.
  4. The University secures researchers from various scientific and technological disciplines, and promotes research projects drawn from those in greater demand from society at large.
  5. Through the positive sharing of research and its results, and the creation of a forum for the exchange of ideas, the University promotes increasing interaction among domestic and international researchers.

4. Contributions to Society

  1. By actively participating in academic activities in the sciences both within Japan and abroad, the University strengthens ties with the international community, and supports the development of an intellectual society based on freedom and harmony.
  2. The University supports the development of society through cooperation with both the public and private sectors of domestic and international organizations.
  3. The University, keeping itself open to society, contributes to the development of the local community through increasing exchange and cooperation with the organizations and individuals in the area.

5. Administration

  1. The University, under the leadership of its president, makes clear-cut and prompt administrative decisions. In addition, the University continuously improves itself through considered administrative development.
  2. The proper allocation of resources as well as the ongoing rearrangement and improvement of educational and research structures enable the University to effectively achieve its objectives in education and research.
  3. By continuously improving the personnel evaluation process, including employment procedures and in-service training, the University further stimulates education and research.
  4. Beyond necessary public relations, the University meets its responsibilities to society by keeping a policy of openness and transparency.

More about UEC

Characteristics and Appeal

Fully equipped education and research environment and high employment rate for UEC graduates.

The Guiding Principles

The University of Electro-Communications (UEC), aiming for the creation and achievement of knowledge and skill to contribute to the sustainable development of humankind, has the following three mission policies.

For the realization

UEC Vision

The mission statement of the University of Electro-Communications (UEC) mentions that we will cultivate academic excellences that bring about bright future of the earth and humanity, as well as create knowledge and skills.

Comprehensive Communication Sciences

"Comprehensive Communication Sciences", which UEC advocates, promotes research and education in accordance with two purposes of "communication": (1) communication as a target of scientific and engineering research, and (2) communication as a tool for promoting collaborative research.

Gender Equality Program

Through the implementation of our Action Plan to promote the Gender Equality Program, we will create an environment where students and young researchers from around the world can gather to enthusiastically study and do research in a free and relaxed atmosphere and thereby give birth to new and unique ideas.